Monday, June 29, 2015

Surviving Your First Sorority Formal

One part of sorority life that is a major plus for a lot of girls is the fact that they get to go to what are called Formals. They are reminiscent of your high school dances but without the teacher chaperones.

When it comes to formals there are often themes. These themes determine what you wear and can range from a beach party to masquerade. The food, venue, drinks and attire will all reflect what the announced theme is.
Some popular themes include:
  • Under the Sea
  • Rock n Roll
  • Night in Venice
  • Old South
  • Your Wildest Dreams
When it comes to formals there are some important things to remember.
  1. Think seriously about your date. You'll spend all or most of your night with this person and if they start acting irresponsibly then you will most likely be held responsible for their actions. Most chapters say if your date is getting removed then so are you and often, after being removed, you will not be let back in.
  2. Don't be afraid to bring a friend. Sometimes having a friend there is better than having a significant other or potential hook up. Also, don't be afraid to bring non-Greek friends or friends from other chapters. If you think that person will make your night better then feel free to bring them along.
  3. Don't feel like you are required to wear floor length formal gowns. The only reason to wear especially dressy clothing is if it directly correlates to your theme and if you can afford it. It's always more fun to dress to the theme than spend $100+ on a dress you may not wear again.
  4. Wear or bring comfortable shoes. It's great to wear those adorable new heels but getting on and off the bus may end badly if you can't walk in them. It is also a possibility that there will not be any chairs to rest your feet in so it is ideal to wear or at least bring shoes you can dance and walk in comfortably.
  5. Don't risk getting kicked out by drinking when underage. This goes for pre-gaming too. Some girls may get together, drink and get ready before the formal but if your chapter's Risk Management chair has said no pre-gaming that puts these girls at risk of not getting to go at all. At many formals there are normally strict rules for alcohol and anyone underage can be kicked out which may result in a judicial hearing and major consequences.
  6. Eat. The food that your Social Events chair chose to be catered is probably delicious and expensive. Plus, this is the only food you'll have access to for probably 3 to 5 hours and you may not feel like going to dinner at 11 pm after formal is over.
  7. Make plans for after formal. Sometimes the most fun you have the night of formal is what you do after. After my last spring formal one of my friends had the idea of watching movies with our dates in the chapter room. It was one of the best times from the formals I've been to.

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