Thursday, May 28, 2015

Pre-recruitment preparation

Before recruitment you will probably get to go to various events to meet a few women from each chapter, ask questions and get ready for recruitment. There are a few things to know coming into this exciting new experience!

The first thing we will talk about is your recruitment counselors. Each school has some form of a recruitment counselor even though they may be called Rho Chis or Gamma Chis. These are women that are members of chapters on campus but disaffiliated from their chapter to help each potential new member find theirs! You can talk to your recruitment counselor about anything, from classes, values, and day-to-day troubles to what to wear each day. They are your best resource during recruitment.

Next we will talk about how recruitment is run. Each day the potential new member will receive a list of "parties" they will attend from their recruitment counselor. After all of the parties for that day the potential new member will rank the chapters by her preference. The chapters will also rank the girls they met that day. This is called "mutual selection". This determines what parties the potential new member is invited back to. At the end of the last round when the potential new member ranks the chapters she visited that day she also agrees to what is called the MRABA, or the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement. This may sound like a scary contract that is going to mean huge changes but, it's not. The MRABA says: 
       the chapters or chapter the potential new member lists that she will accept invitations to join from can not be changed after submitted.
       If the potential new member does not receive an invitation she is still open to continuous open bidding
      If the potential new member does receive an invitation but declines it she can not pledge a National Panhellenic Conference organization for one calendar year
       The potential new member is not required to finish her selections if she decides that sorority life is not for her.
See? That isn't nearly as bad as the title leads it to be. If you have any questions feel free to ask facilitators for more information.

Sorority recruitment is an excellent experience for women of all backgrounds, I encourage anyone interested to look into it!

Feel free to click the link below for a exact break down of the MRABA as done by the National Panhellenic Conference Office.
Decoding the MRABA


Hello, and welcome to Bids and Bigs, your guide to all things sorority at a D2 school! My name is Taryn Wilkins, I am now a sophomore at Washburn University. I am majoring in Public Relations with a minor in psychology. Before I went through recruitment I researched as much as I could to figure out what to expect but all I could find was what to expect from D1 schools, especially in the SEC. I decided that I was going to do something about it. So, I'm going to tell you all you need to know about going through recruitment at a small D2 school, like Washburn and what to expect from a small Greek community. Feel free to comment or post questions, I will do my best to answer all.