Monday, June 22, 2015

Big/Little Week!!!!

Big/Little week is a very exciting time for everyone in the chapter. The new members are receiving their Bigs,  some girls are finally getting to claim their Littles and older members are adding new members to their sorority family.
At the beginning of Big/Little week the Bigs will leave notes and gifts for their Littles. The notes will include hints to the Big's identity so the Little can try to guess, however, some Bigs will toss in a few false clues in order to throw off their Little if they think she is getting too close to guessing her identity. These false hints are all in good fun and are typically trivial like "I have brown hair" when the Big actually has blonde hair.
As for the gifts, each chapter and "family" has their own traditions but there are a few gifts that most girls receive. Below are some images of different gifts.

Alpha Xi Delta Big/Little Canvas
Family Photo Frames

Kappa Delta decorated letters

At the end of the week the Littles finally get to find out who their big is and the rest of the chapter gets to welcome the new members into their families. Reveal can be done in a number of ways so to show you a couple of different reveal methods I included some videos of different reveals from different chapters.

Personally, this post is the most exciting for me because this Fall I am (hopefully) getting a Little!! I can't wait and I've already been thinking about gifts!

1 comment:

  1. This seems to fun, a good way for sisterhood bonding and learning about each other!
